Indiana Driver Safety Tips and Techniques
Car collisions and accidents are 100% preventable. According NHTSA, close to 800 drivers lose their lives every year on the roadways of Indiana. In 2007 alone, there were 898 lives lost on Indiana roadways. Preventing these traffic collisions, saving lives, avoiding traffic violations, and making the roadways safer starts with you! Below, we have put together a shortened list of defensive driving tips and defensive driving techniques that will help you be a successful and safe driver.
Indiana Driver Safety Tips

- Never Drive Impaired. Although drinking is not illegal if you are over the age of 21, it is illegal to drive after you have been drinking in the United States of America. Alcohol interferes with your brain's communication pathways, which can result in a fatal accident. Receiving a citation for impaired driving will also result in severe consequences, including license suspension. Impaired driving is not just limited to drinking, however. This also includes being under the influence of drugs, even prescription. Please read your prescription and the side effects of your medication before operating a motor vehicle. For more information, please Click Here.
- Buckle Up! Studies show that wearing your seatbelt will reduce your chance of being killed in a traffic accident by 60%. Since you can't always prevent someone colliding into you, wearing your seatbelt is your best protection against death and injury. Be aware of the passengers in your vehicle as well and make sure EVERYONE is buckled up! You can learn more about seatbelts by resgistering for our Indiana driver safety course.
- Pay Attention. This is one of many highly important defensive driving tips that are focused on nationwide. 25% of all car accidents are caused by a driver who is not paying attention to the road and their surroundings. Distracted driving is anything that takes your mind, eyes, and hands off the wheel and road. A main of example of distracted driving is texting or using your cell phone while operating a vehicle. When you text, you are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car collision. Not only does distracted driving cause crashes, it is also illegal in the State of Indiana.
- Do Not Speed. Speeding is common in the driving world, but did you know that speeding is one of the leading causes of traffic accidents in the United States of America? Speeding played a role in more than half of fatal crashes with a teen behind the wheel. No matter your age, not speeding is one of the defensive driving tips you are going to want to follow!
- Drive Confidently, Not Aggressively. This is perhaps one of the best defensive driving techniques you can learn as a driver. While confident drivers stay calm and address situations, even unexpected ones, aggressive drivers tend to tailgate, speed unnecessarily, agitate other drivers, and many other poor driving habits. Not only do you raise your chances of being involved in a traffic accident when you drive aggressively, you raise your chances of receiving a traffic citation. Our Indiana Driver Safety course provides all the information you will need in order to become the best defensive driver you can be.
If you would like to learn more defensive driving techniques sign-up for the Indiana Driver Safety course. You will be provided with information that will help you become the best defensive driver you can be.